July 30, 2024

The Power of Mutual Growth

A Story Shared from our Friend, Aaron

A powerful story was shared with our team by one of our Friends, Aaron, this past week. It truly encapsulates what we do at Friends of the Children, and I wanted to share it with you.

"Last week, while driving back from sports camp with two of our youth, two boys I have been with since they started our program, I was struck by the sound of their joyful chatter. They were engrossed in a lively conversation about Pokémon cards, and their camaraderie was heartwarming.

In that moment, I glanced in the rearview mirror and realized just how much they have grown since I first met them years ago. Their bond and fellowship were a testament to the incredible journey we've shared together.

Later, at the climbing wall, one of them faced a challenging moment. Halfway up, he paused and said, "I just can’t do it." I responded firmly, "That's not true. You can do anything. Don’t tell yourself you can’t because you can."

With newfound determination, he started climbing again, repeating to himself, “I can do this” and “no one can tell me I can’t.” He made it to the top, inspiring everyone around him with his tenacity and vigor. I teared up and hugged him, filled with pride."

This experience is a powerful reminder for all of us at Friends of the Children Central Oregon. We build these children up and guide them, even when they don’t have lighthouses to always show them the way. Their resilience and determination inspire us, reminding us why we do what we do.

What struck me about Aaron's story is that growth is not a straight line. Both children and adults find growth from challenges and, at times, adversity. The work that Friends are charged with is no easy task, but I think any of our Friends would say they grow right alongside their youth. Children encourage adults to expand, and adults serve as their lighthouses. We can’t always be on the boat, but we can light the way. In turn, they show us just what they are capable of – which is truly anything.

Aaron reminded our team that “Even when it feels hard, it's right. Let's keep pushing forward with purpose-driven lives, from the top to the bottom. We are Friends of the Children Central Oregon, and no one can do what we do!”

- Chloe Manke, Development Director