August 28, 2024

Meet Mandy Pearson: The Heart of Our Summer Educational Program

Meet Mandy Pearson, the dynamic and visionary National Board-Certified Teacher revolutionizing our summer educational programs. Mandy’s passion and dedication are the driving forces behind our success. Recently, she shared an inspiring story that underscores the profound impact our donors and volunteers have on the lives of our youth.

Our donors provide the essential funds needed for materials and crucial staff time, while our volunteers offer invaluable support, delivering high-quality, one-on-one programming. Thanks to this incredible commitment, we’ve been able to offer 30-minute literacy tutoring sessions to 40 youth each week this summer. These sessions focus on essential decoding skills that are key to unlocking the written word. With the help of our dedicated mentors who support vocabulary and comprehension, our youth are receiving a well-rounded literacy experience this summer!

One standout story is of a student who attended last summer's literacy camp and returned this year with an impressive improvement—he's now reading two grade levels higher! Last summer ignited a passion in him, and he’s been growing ever since. Witnessing his progress during assessments was truly moving.

Our one-on-one model ensures that each child receives the focused attention they deserve, enabling the kind of growth we aim for in our summer literacy tutoring. By using the same curriculum as the Bend-LaPine school district, we help our youth maintain consistent routines and vocabulary patterns, which prevents the summer slide that affects so many students each year.

Last summer, every single one of our youths who attended literacy camp made notable strides in phonological awareness and decoding skills. This year, we expect all youth who attend at least three sessions to show growth, thanks to additional materials like vowel sheets for caregivers and decodable readers that youth can enjoy independently.

Together, with the dedication of our donors and volunteers, we are making a lasting impact on the literacy and lives of the children we serve. Thank you for being part of this incredible journey!